

Fifth Season

Today's post features another vendor who is supporting my space in the 2015 SHE Design House. Fifth Season, located on Preston Ave., has generously allowed me to use their plants and containers for display in the veranda. I have anything but a green thumb, but I truly enjoy the selection at this amazing resource right in the middle of town.
With several locations in NC and this one in Charlottesville, Fifth Season is a family-run business that carries hydroponic and organic gardening supplies, wine and beer making products and an interesting selection of kits and information for what they call Urban DIY -- cheese-making, vinegar-making and fermentation and the like. My daughter is mostly enamored with the fairy garden offerings.

Such an elaborate fairy condo!

Can you see the teeny tiny ducks on the pond?! The whole container is 6" tall at most!

My husband enjoys their homebrew selections. I find Fifth Season to be a great resource for indoor and outdoor plants as well as beautiful accessories and tools. And it's right down the road!

Look at all the gorgeous color!!

My space in the Design House lets the landscape add the color, but the herbs and plants from Fifth Season look great. Come out and see them May 2-17 at the SHE Design House 810 Frays Ridge Road, Earlysville.
Hope to see you there!

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