

Taming the Two-Story

My client contacted me for help with drapery for her family room. She was perplexed about how to dress the windows in her family room with a very high ceiling:
While I knew that she was only asking for window dressings, I had to suggest more to help with the soaring ceiling.
We added a simple wood molding to separate the bottom story from the top. Then, I convinced her to add some color above the molding to add more contrast. Once the separation was established, we were able to address the windows.

Here's another before view of the room -- the photo of her beautiful children is dwarfed by big blank wall.

Here's what it looks like now!
Okay, we went a lot farther than windows......added more color with a gallery wall and painted behind the bookcase too. Oh! And we hung a huge light fixture my client had already purchased.

Hanging simple panels on the lower windows adds the needed finishing touch.
My client chose a fun bright print that pulls out the colors in the rug. Fun throw pillows and a turquoise throw break up the neutral sectional.
The room is bright and cheery, but more cozy too.
A big improvement, don't you think?
Need help finishing your Charlottesville home?
Contact Embellish Interiors
Ami Smith
434.465.0738                               434.295.3367


  1. That was genius adding the molding and then color above; I wish I would have thought of it!
