

Reconfigured Family Room

I truly have had the opportunity to work with some amazing clients over the years and am so grateful for their willingness to open their homes and share their family experiences with me. I have so enjoyed working with this client.  She is the most amazing hostess and her family is just as warm and kind.

This project has taught me a lot, aside from how to treat guests in my home! I had to step out of my decorating comfort zone (I've never been asked to find a fabric that was "more tribal" before!), but I love the result -- a comfortable, relaxed, eclectic feel that reflects the remarkable family that lives there.  I still need to take photos, but here's a quick peek of the newly recovered sofas, chair and ottoman as well as a new display shelf, comfy rug and custom coffee table made of reclaimed wood. And, here's proof that I don't always do window treatments!
Stay tuned for more photos!
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