

Spectacular Sponsors -- My Muse

Okay, I promise this is the last of my emotional posts -- back to the more superficial embellishing next week, I promise!!
I can't leave out my inspiration for my room design and my life, my little girl daughter.  As bittersweet as it is to watch her grow, I am continually amazed and enlightened by this person.  She is wildly talented, heart-warmingly empathetic, highly opinionated and I love all of her more than I ever thought was possible!  I hope she learns that she can accomplish anything she wishes, but that it takes hard work and sacrifice to be able to do what you love.

I commissioned Eliza to create an art piece for the room.  She came up with a great idea and had a lot of fun doing it, even though the weather didn't cooperate for us to do it outside (hence the highly organized basement background!).  Thank you, Eliza, for giving up precious outside play time to help at the Design House and for sharing your 8-year old perspective for my design.  Someday we'll change those pink walls in your room!

Come and check out our work at the 
May 7-22
1687 Mint Springs Road
Crozet, VA


  1. Love it! What a wonderful tribute! Your family is a great design team!

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I've got a little Design Diva on my hands!
