

Spectacular Sponsors - Sherwin Williams and Expertise Painting

For the next several weeks, I'd like to introduce to you the wonderful people and businesses who have donated their time and resources to help with my room in the Design House this year.  I am so grateful for their contributions -- I truly could not do it without them!

This week, I am featuring the first layer of the room transformation, the paint.

The paint used in my room is from Sherwin Williams.  The gentlemen at Sherwin Williams have been extremely helpful and eager to show off their products.  The walls are covered in Duration interior latex paint after a coat (or 2) of primer.  The ceiling is Classic 99.  Changing from dark red to soft cream can be difficult to do, but with these products and  great painters, the walls and ceiling turned out great.

Speaking of great painters, a big thank you goes to Expertise Painting for their wonderful paint job.  Ask my husband, I cannot paint to save my life.   I am so lucky these guys saved me from having to try!
Dan Kirby, Expertise Painting
Lead by Dan Kirby, Expertise Painting does both interior and exterior painting as well as some repairs, cleaning and sealing.  They were extremely quick and efficient and I am thrilled with the result.  The walls in my room were transformed from this:

                                   To this:

Much better!
Come check out all of the fabulous rooms in the S.H.E. Design House 
May 7-22
See you there!!

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