

Embellish Interiors is a full service interior decorating business.  Ami is more than happy to give her advice to your project, no matter the size or budget. 

Beginning with an initial consultation, I will get to know you and those who live in your home and get a sense of your personal style and use of the space.  We will talk budget, look at projects that inspire you and explore treasures you may have hidden in other spaces of your home.   This session usually takes one hour.
Next Steps
It's up to you where to go from there. A go-ahead with the paint color for your walls could be all you're looking for, but if you want more, I will take measurements of your room and furniture pieces and before photos of your space.  Using this information, I will formulate a design plan based on your needs and budget.  This is the hard part: waiting!  Soon enough, I will present you with a design plan, complete with all the information needed to complete your space.  The timeframe of this portion is dependent on the client's design needs.  A full room design generally takes 5-7 hours.
The Finale
Finishing the room is much harder than it looks.  I have access to a team of talented people to complete your design if you wish.  From seamstresses to carpenters, you can leave the entire project to me.  Or, you may decide to complete a portion or portions yourself.  I often see homeowners start a room but not complete it and it's my mission to see your design through to the finish.  Those small touches are what make a room; accessorizing and displaying are my forte (in addition to SHOPPING!).   An estimate of the time required will be provided upon determination of work needed.
The While You Were Out Experience
For the ultimate "WOW" factor, I love being able to transform a room for my clients while they are away so that they can see the entire design at once.  With the exception of work that needs completed earlier (painting, carpentry, etc.), I will compile all of the components of your room design and work with a team to completely finish your space in one day (or weekend, if it fits your schedule).  You will return to a completely new space, all finished and beautiful.  This takes 8-10 hours and usually includes the use of an assistant for moving large furniture pieces and installation.